Wednesday, March 21, 2007

5 Things I've Heard And Always Remembered

It seems there are quite a few blog memes (a game of ) going around the web. Because I’m always up for a new game and this one sounds like fun, let’s start our own game of blog-tag at .

Here are my :
  1. “If you're going to do something do it right the first time.” My mother said this to me so many times I think it must be stamped onto my forehead. I don’t think she meant it in a bad way but rather was her way of saying, keep trying until you master it and then keep doing it the right way.

  2. Walt Disney once said, "If you can dream it, you can do it." These words inspire me to keep trying even when I’ve failed at something several times.

  3. When I had a job, a maintenance engineer friend told me “If it's not broke don't fix it.” This sounded like good advice to me.

  4. “Chocolate may not make your problem go away but it will make you feel better.” This is something I said and believed before it was scientifically proven. I said it so many times to my kids as they were growing up it’s probably my fault they love chocolate as much as I do.

  5. When my youngest daughter got married and moved out she called 1 day and asked a question I’ll never forget, “Why didn't you warn me that it was so hard being grownup?” Since no one warned me, I didn’t know I was suppose to warn her!

Now, it's your turn. Post your 5 things you've heard and always remembered on your own blog.

Gaida Rodgers, Pam Triick, Manoj R. and Leeuna Foster ... Tag, you're it!

Let's have some fun,

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