Looking for new and easy ways to get more traffic.
So recently I joined a site - Unorthodox Traffic - where they offer some ideas for generating traffic. However while information inside the member's area was just ok, it was the information they shared in their first mailing that I want to share.
Here are some excerpts from that mailing:
"In this article, we’re going to discuss two powerful traffic generating strategies that you have never heard of before, and chances are, your competitors won’t have a clue about them either. These are tactics that are “hot off the press,” so to speak. They have just been discovered, and they are bound to give you unbridled traffic the likes of which you may not have experienced before."
The Secrets Of MySpace
"MySpace is one of the MOST visited websites today."..."MySpace is a community website that allows people to create their own profiles and connect the same to other people to build their own virtual network. It’s quite easy to build your network in this community. People claim that they are able to gain 1,500 contacts within two weeks."
"Create a MySpace profile and build your network."
"Include your main website’s link in your profile page."
"MySpace also has a community billboard feature. If you’d post there, your message would appear in the profiles of all your contacts. Simply include your link in your message."
Connecting With CraigsList
"The website www.craigslist.com is an online classified ads center dedicated to employment opportunities. However, it accepts all manners of advertisements.
For free, at that!"
"Craigslist is a PR7 website. Simply choose the category most appropriate for the subject of your website and place an advertisement that would invite readers to visit your web pages.
They don’t have to click on the link. They don’t have to visit your website.
Having your link in a PR7 website is enough to spike up your own website’s Page Rank! Again, this means a higher position in search engine results pages, and more organic traffic for your online business."
Now to be honest I've heard of both of these sites before but haven't used them since:
- I didn't know about how the billboard feature worked at MySpace
- Didn't know how popular Craigslist was
I also know that some pretty well known online marketers are using MySpace since I have done some research. And what I discovered in my research is that these guys all point to each other.
Soooo ...
I've just signed up and will be adding more information soon. Please join me at MySpace let's see if we can improve our traffic as a group of friends working together.
To Your Success,