Wednesday, March 07, 2007

What's Stopping You?

"If you always do what you've always done,
you'll always get what you've always got."
—Author Unknown

If you're trying to do internet marketing you must believe the above quote... at least to some degree.

You're tired of going to the same job year after year. You're tired of living paycheck to paycheck. You dream of having enough time and money to enjoy your life and family.

So you enter the world of internet marketing where all you have to do is get targeted web traffic to your offer and convert visitors to buyers.

It sounds easy doesn't it?

But then you discover the real truths:
  • You need your own web site.
  • You need to build your own web page.
  • You need to build your own list.
  • You need to automate.
  • You need to get traffic.
  • You need to write good copy to get conversions.

And the list goes on and on and on...

And since you don't know anything about what's needed to do internet marketing you start learning. You read. You study. You take notes. You try to learn as much possible so you can achieve your dream of having a successful online business.

And then ...

You Put Up An Invisible Barrier that stops you and your business dead in it's tracks.

What is the invisible barrier that's stopping you?

It's different for different people.

  • Some stop before they ever get their own site online because they think they're not ready to build a web page or don't know how to upload one to a host.
  • Some stop when they need to build a list because they don't know what to say in their messages or don't know how to put a form on their site.
  • Some stop when they need to automate a task that is taking so much of their time they can't do anything else because they think they can't make an automation tool work or upload a script.
  • Some stop when it's time to drive traffic to their site because they think they don't know how or they don't have the money to pay for traffic.
  • Some stop when their first sales page attempt doesn't perform well and they think they can't write good sales copy.

And the list goes on and on and on...

If you've built your own invisible barrier that allows you to see what's possible but is stopping you from achieving it you need to ask yourself 2 questions.

  1. Why have you built a barrier to keep you from having your own successful online business?

  2. What can you do to tear the barrier down?

The most common answer for the first question is - FEAR. You're afraid of actually performing the task that needs to be done. You doubt your own capabilities and think you'll either not be able to do it or you won't be able to do it right.

The second most common answer for why you've built a barrier is - You Don't Want To Do It. Sure you want a good site that gets lots of targeted traffic and makes a ton of sales but you don't Want to do what it takes. You know what must be done but look at it as a task that you Must do - not a task that you Want to do.

So how do you tear down the invisible barrier you've built? It's not easy because you have to change how you look at yourself, your business and the tasks that need to be done.

To make your invisible barrier come crashing down and to open up all the opportunities that lie before you have to:

  • Discover your own inner strength and determination to become successful. You have to believe in yourself even when others think it's a waste of time and call you a fool for trying. When you need to do something you've never done before you have to learn what you can and then try it. Maybe you'll do it right and maybe you won't. If you get it right, congratulate yourself and remember how you did it so you can do it again. If you don't get it right then learn from your mistakes and keep trying until you do. Be glad you're becoming an internet marketer and not the first person who attempted to fly. And keep reminding yourself that you are not happy with what you've got and want more. Let those who don't understand and support you keep getting what they've got while you drive yourself to a better place.

  • You have to change your way of thinking about the tasks you must perform. Don't look at them as jobs that must be done. Instead look at them as things you want to do. No one does the things they don't want to do in a timely manner or to the best level possible. But, when you want to do something you do it as soon as you can and put all your energy into it. And that's how you must face every internet marketing task - as something you want to do.

Does it sound almost impossible to tear down your invisible barrier? It's not because you've done both of those things before. You just don't remember.

When you were small and learning to walk do you think you actually wanted to learn to walk? It's doubtful. What you really wanted to do was to get somewhere to do something and walking was the task you had to learn how to do to make it happen.

Did you walk the first time you tried. Some do but most don't.

Did your family encourage you to try again. Probably, but then they didn't know why you were trying, did they? Had they known you wanted to chase a ball out into the street or go visit the neighbor's dog by yourself they may not have been so encouraging. And after you learned to walk did you family still encourage you to walk everywhere you wanted or did they try to stop you? We all know they tried to stop you and that you kept trying until you were old enough to understand the reason for the barriers they put up.

The barriers you've put up that are stopping you from having a successful online business are your barriers. You built them and you can tear them down. All you have to do is find that inner strength, desire and determination you had as a child and use it to do something different and achieve different results.

To Your Success,