This month we get to help Simon with his site at:
Please take a look because I'm sure you can help. Then either post constructive comments or send them to me to have them added as part of the blog article.
To Your Success,
I only had a three things bothered me on the site (not necessarily in the following order).
1st, the yellow font on white background was hard to read.
2nd, the falling leaves seemed to distract me from what I was trying to focus on.
3rd, I would rather have a pop up after viewing the initial page, or maybe just a link to a squeeze page.
Beyond that, the site appeared to be real clean which may change as more info is added. I really didn't click on all the links and follow them.
There's a very good bit of advice that we are all given when it comes tomaking a web site, and that is to sit with pen and paper and PLAN thesite. In other words, decide on the design, from colour schemes towhere we want to put X or Y or Z, and of course the important aspectof the priority of the site, the message we want visitors to get, preferablyas soon as they land on the site, but definitely before they leave.
This site needs serious overhaul in all those areas, starting with the relative size of the images, whether banners or photographs, and alsothe use or over-use of white space. The drop in box offering the freesoftware is far too big for the rest of the images on screen, so it detracts instead of adding to the appeal.
Similarly, the link referring to THE FOREST opens the affiliate pagefor AUTOMATIC BUILDER.COM, and throws up another instantcomparison with the main page, so Simon, have a close look at thatpage (quite likely to have been designed by a professional!), andcheck how symmetrical everything is, how well the spaces are used,how much the site looks as if everything is part of ONE big picture.
Some of your links come up in a YELLOW colour which is impossibleto read in both Firefox and Internet Explorer 7, and the latter puts upan error message saying DONE BUT ERRORS ON PAGE, whichusually means error or errors in the HTML coding. Finally, the linebeginning WELCOME should be the last line on the page with youremail link just above it, to keep all the information/contact linksgrouped together. Above everything else, you should be able tolook at the site and immediately answer the question....What isthis guy saying or selling to me? Look for example at this site:http://www.friendswhocare.us/newsletter/
Best of luck, and congrats on your efforts so far.
My Comments:
I'd like to thank everyone who left and sent in comments about Syd's site. You did such a great job there's nothing left for me to say.
So thank you all for helping Syd with his site and making my job easier.
Tags: site review