Thursday, June 29, 2006

To Dream ...

What would you like to do if you had enough money to quit your job and your online business could take care of itself? - What would you do in all that extra free time?"

That's the question I asked my subscribers recently.

When I asked the question I knew some would think that it was another of our "just for fun" questions and others would figure I'd use it to tell them how to define their goal.

Actually, neither of these are the reason I asked the question.

While it is fun to dream and making our dream a reality is why most of us start an online business, there is another reason to dream about what you would do if you didn't have to work.

Your dream of a bigger house, traveling all over the world, driving a race car, sailing across the ocean or whatever - is something you're interested in.

But more than that ...

... It's something you can use to find the niche for your online business.

Now before you start telling me why you can't use your dream to help you identify a niche market let me give you 5 reasons why you can.
  1. If you're interested in something then there are probably a lot of others who are just as interested. Of course you would have to do some basic research to find out if the group is large enough and if they spend enough online to make it worth pursuing - but you have to do that anyway.
  2. If your dream is not specific enough to identify a market then you need to work on your dream. If you had enough money and time to live your dream you'd have to know the specifics or how would you make it come true?
  3. Think your dream is too big? Then pick a piece of it to start.
  4. Think your dream is too small? Then expand it. It's your dream and you can make it as big or as little as you want.
  5. But it's only your dream. You don't know anything about it. To that I have to ask, why not? If you really want and expect to someday have your dream come true you should start learning some things about it now.

One of the mistakes most people make when they are trying to pick their niche market is to think - "I am not an expert so no one will care what I have to say."

But what exactly is an expert?

An expert is someone who knows more about something than someone else - not everybody else - someone else.

So if you learn a little about your dream you are an expert to those who share the same dream and haven't learned as much as you.

All the internet marketing gurus tell you to pick a niche that you either know about or are passionate about. But what is your passion? Is it your job? Is it your family? Is it something you already know or do? Or is it something you want to do but don't have time for?

If your dream is your passion then remember some of the important words in that old song "The Impossible Dream."

To dream the impossible dream,

And the world will be better for this

You can read all the lyrics and listen to the entire song at:'Toole/impossibledream-lyrics.htm. (To hear the song click the music notes next to the song title.)

So dream your impossible dream. Then put it to work and make it happen.

To Your Success,