I've been using Irfanview for a couple of years and find it works very well. It allows you to do things like capture screen shots, crop images and change the colors of your graphics. And it works with many types of images like gif, jpg and bitmap and will convert 1 type to another.
Now I learned about Irfanview thorough a very useful ebook
called "How To Master Web Graphics In 10 Easy Steps" by Louis Allport.
In this ebook Louis not only tells where to get Irfanview but also has videos showing some of the things you can easily do with it. So today rather than write instructions on how to do something I am giving you access to 1 of the videos in his ebook.
To find out how to add text to an image using Irfanview, watch the video at:
If you have a slow internet connection or your browser is messed up like mine, please allow time for the page to come up. I've tested the link and it works it just takes a long time to come up for some of us.
To Your Success,
PS The above tip was not meant to be a sales pitch since this ebook has been available for quite awhile and many subscribers already own it but haven't taken the time to use it. However if you don't have it and would like to know more about Allport's ebook you can see the lessons it contains at:
If your interested in getting a copy of it but don't want a 14 ebook collection you can get it inside our members' area at:
You'll have to login to access this page and this ebook is about half way down the list.