Thursday, March 30, 2006

10 Reasons Why People Don't Buy

Last week I asked what you thought was the hardest part of having an online business and 50% stated that converting visitors and subscribers to customers was the hardest.

Let's assume you've got a quality site, a quality product, targeted traffic, a list and a good sales page. But you're not getting many sales and you want to know why - right?

So today we'll cover the 10 most common reasons people don't buy.
  1. You're not getting the target market your aiming for.
  2. When people visit your site or read your ezine they are looking for free info and not planning to buy anything.
  3. You are trying to sell something your visitors and readers need but don't necessarily want.
  4. You don't make your product offer enough times.
  5. Your price is either out of their budget or so low they doubt the quality of the product.
  6. Your sales page may not be as good as you think it is.
  7. Your conversion rate isn't bad - you just don't get very much targeted traffic.
  8. Your buying process is either obscure or too complicated.
  9. You're advertising your sales page and not your ezine.
  10. You're too soft sell.

Which of these apply to your business?

That's what you have to find out and here are some pointers.

  1. Do some research.
    * Find out if your readers are the target market for your products.
    * Find out what your readers want - not need.
    * Find out how much traffic you're getting.
    * Find out where your traffic is coming from.
    * Find out if people actually buy what your selling online.
  2. Do some testing.
    * Try changing your sales page.
    * Try different prices.Ask someone in your targeted market to read your sales page and ads. Then ask them if it made them do what you wanted them to do. If it didn't, find out why not.
  3. Count how many times you've offered your product to your readers. If you offer it once, that's not enough. If you've offered it multiple times, review items 1, 2 & 3 above.
  4. Find out if you're too nice. Examine what you give away for free and what you are trying to sell.Remember, your site visitors and ezine readers think they already have everything they need.

To sell your product you have to put it in front of them where they can see it, it's attractive, it captures their attention and it sounds like something they want. Then tell them what to do and make it easy for them to make the purchase.

Maybe they won't buy it the first time you offer ... but if you offer it a few more times and keep pointing out how they will benefit from having it, you should make some sales.

To Your Success,