To make money on the internet you have to sell something.
To sell something you have to have people read either your sales page, you ad or both.
Your sales page headline and your email subject line are responsible for getting 75%, 85% or maybe even up to 95% of you copy read.
So what makes a good headline?
You have to use some psychology and use words that will grab the attention of your reader. Words like: Discover, Secret, Reveal, Save, ...
You have to use some psychology and make a statement that offers them something they think they "need" to know.
You have to use some psychology to get them emotionally involved.
You have to be truthful because once they start reading your sales copy they won't stay around if your sales copy doesn't stand behind the headline. (The one exception to this is when use a "stupid" headline and then explain, up-front, that you were just getting their attention. This sometimes works but not always.)
Because there's a lot of information about what make a good headline, let me tell you a few of the things that make a bad headline.
- Using the word "Buy." - No one is looking for a way to spend money so don't send them away by telling them to "Buy the Best ..."
- "Let Me Tell You" - No one wants anyone to tell them anything. They may want you to reveal or share information - but they don't want you to "Tell" them.
- The word "Things" is much to broad. Be more specific when your write your headline and tell us what those "things" are. Are they secrets, ways to do something, tips, tactics, etc. ?
I once wrote an example headline with no product or sales page. And even though I explained it was just an example of how to get someone's attention, I had readers write and say the headline took them to a page not found.
Here's the example I wrote:
"Shhhhhhhh .... Want To Know A Secret?"
Remember, when you write your headline write something that would make you want to read it. If you can't get your own attention then it's doubtful you'll get anyone else's.
To Your Success,
PS Need some help writing a good headline?
Check out "Advertising Headline Templates That Make You Rich" because it may be exactly what you need.